TASHKENT (TCA) — ERASMUS+ Week is taking place in Tashkent from 18 to 22 September, the National Office of Erasmus+ in Uzbekistan said. The aim of the event is to develop further cooperation between the universities of Uzbekistan and the states of Europe.
Erasmus + is a program of the European Union (EU), which supports projects, partnerships, activities and mobility in the field of education, vocational training, work with youth and sports. The program, which operates from 2014 to 2020, provides funding for the development of cooperation in all these areas, both between European countries, and between European countries and partner countries around the world.
Within the framework of the Erasmus+ Week, a number of events are organized for different target groups, during which detailed information is provided on the possibilities of cooperation with European universities and grants for individual short-term mobility, as well as scholarships for study in the Master’s and Doctoral studies.
Representatives of the teaching and administrative staff of universities from all regions of the country, sectoral ministries and organizations take part in the event.
At present, there are 42 higher educational institutions involved in 20 ongoing projects (2 Tempus IV projects and 18 Erasmus + Capacity Building in Higher Education-CBHE projects), including 16 universities in Tashkent and 26 universities from 10 regions of the country and Karakalpakstan.
On 15 October, implementation of 7 new projects involving 9 universities in Tashkent and 11 universities from 6 regions of the country and Karakalpakstan will begin.
In the new projects 26 universities from 15 member countries of the European Union are represented, as well as 15 universities of 6 partner countries.