Kyrgyzstan’s tourism industry pins hopes on Second World Nomad Games

BISHKEK (TCA) — Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Sooronbai Jeenbekov invited members of the delegation of the UN agencies’ Executive Councils to take part in the opening ceremony of the Second World Nomad Games to be held this September at Kyrgyzstan’s Lake Issyk-Kul. The high-profile UN delegation visited Kyrgyzstan on May 2-7.     

Jeenbekov also proposed including information on the World Nomad Games (WNG) in the Resolution on promotion of inter-religious and intercultural dialogue, understanding and cooperation for peace at the 71st session of the UN General Assembly to be held on September 13, 2016. The WNG will create a favorable area of intercultural and interethnic dialogue for people from all over the world, the Prime Minister said.

The WNG cultural and sporting events will be held in the Kyrchyn gorge in the Issyk-Kul oblast. According to local authorities, 17 million soms have been allocated for building a site in the Kyrchyn gorge, including construction of an ethnic village that should become a favorite destination for both Kyrgyzstan citizens and foreign tourists.

The natural landscape of the area allows spectators to watch competitions from an elevated spot above the arena. A guest yurt camp will also be built.

Trips to resorts and spas of Issyk-Kul were raffled as prizes at the Summer 2016 International Tourist Exhibition in Yekaterinburg, Russia. Kyrgyzstan’s tour operators and airlines provided information on the country’s tourism opportunities and the upcoming World Nomad Games.

Issyk-Kul Airport

The Issyk-Kul International Airport in the Tamchi village on the northern shore of the lake is of great importance for the development of tourism in Kyrgyzstan and the Issyk-Kul region.
This year, the region will host a series of major international events, and the reconstruction of the airport should be completed as planned by mid-June 2016.

The airport reconstruction includes installation of a lighting system and aircraft landing systems. The runway has been extended to 3,800 meters.

After the reconstruction, the airport will operate year-round and receive aircrafts 24 hours a day.

Several Russian and Kazakh airlines have already offered to open direct airlines to Tamchi. In the tourist season, regular flights will start from Almaty, Astana and Shymkent (Kazakhstan).

Good forecast

Kyrgyzstan was the first (+8.2% per year) among top 10 countries tipped for a tourism boom, The Telegraph reported with reference to the United Nations World Travel Organization (UNWTO).

“Adventurous horseback riders have long favoured this rugged country, partly because only riders can really access the fertile valleys and mountain passes. Rural Kyrgyzstan also allows visitors to meet nomadic families, who take to the high ground every summer,” The Telegraph wrote.