Russia Sends Some 10,000 Migrants to War in Ukraine


During recent raids, over 30,000 people who have obtained Russian citizenship but do not want to join the military register were identified.  Some 10,000 were then sent to fight in Ukraine , announced head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Alexander Bastrykin.

“A year ago, I instructed our divisions to create groups on the ground to work with migrants. We actively participate in raids together with other law enforcers. We – discovered, by chance, a loophole through which – migrants began to leave the Russian Federation slowly,” stated Bastrykin. “The issue here is the implementation of the Constitution and Russian laws that requires anyone granted citizenship to register for military service and, if necessary, take part in a military operation.”

Bastrykin added that migrants who have obtained Russian citizenship “are now joining the ranks of rear units.”

According to experts, the bulk of the migrants sent to fight in Ukraine hail from Central Asia.