Uzbek Businesswoman Diora Usmanova Recounts Own History of Marital Violence

Diora Usmanova, the owner of two restaurants and some clothing brands in Uzbekistan, has spoken on her Instagram page about the beatings she suffered from her first husband, Babur Usmanov, who was the nephew of the billionaire Alisher Usmanov. Usmanova herself is related to Ziroatkhon Mirziyoyeva, the wife of Uzbek president Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

Usmanova wrote that the story could cause her harm, but that she believes the benefits will “outweigh the risks a hundredfold” and will “change perceptions or somehow affect women who endure domestic violence and abuse,” reported.

“We loved each other and fought very hard for our marriage. Subsequently, when he started to raise his hand against me and when these beatings went on, and the beatings continued for four years, there were concussions, and a lot of blood, and bruises, and [my] whole body in bruises, and a lot of broken furniture, doors, everything,” she said.

Domestic violence is not only the man’s fault, but also the woman’s, Usmanova said. “We don’t value ourselves enough, we’re not brave enough, we’re not strong enough, we’re afraid to give a backhand, we’re afraid to tell our parents, we’re afraid to go back to our parents, we’re afraid to start everything again. For the fact that we hope that it will change, that it will [bear] some good fruits in the future, that it will survive — this is all our problem,” Usmanova said.

In her opinion, women should terminate harmful relationships and find the strength to leave — and most importantly, learn to respect themselves.

“You have to leave such relationships. [That’s] because of the fact that you forgive once, forgive the second time, and then it becomes a habit, a person realizes that it is forgiven, it can end very badly, [a] whole life just poisoned. I did not find the strength then, and now after 10 years, I look back and realize how many mistakes were made on my part and how much is my fault. Just like [it was] his,” she stated.

On May 8, 2013, Babur Usmanov was involved in a fatal car accident in Tashkent. In 2016, Usmanova married businessman Batyr Rakhimov.