Window to Europe for Uzbekistan to Remain Open Until December 2027
The European Union has decided to extend the validity of the General System of Preferences Plus (GSP+) for beneficiary countries, including Uzbekistan, for the next four years until December 31st 2027. This decision gives serious impetus to the development of Uzbekistan's private sector, providing easier access to the European market, stimulating closer cooperation between European and Uzbek companies, and leading to significant savings at borders. As a result of the measures taken to strengthen trade relations with the EU and expand the global geography of Uzbekistan's exports by the end of 2022, 628 enterprises (an increase of 116 on the corresponding period in 2021) were exporting local products to European markets in the amount of U$647-million. This is more than double the $292-million figure recorded in 2020. In particular, within the framework of the GSP+ textile industry products worth $177.4-million were exported to the EU markets (an increase of 126.4% compared to 2021), agriculture and food industry products totaled $19.7-million (a 103% increase), the electrical industry recorded $9-million (a 117% increase), whilst the chemical industry totaled $138.3-million (a 4.7-times expansion). In 2022, thanks to GSP+, Uzbek exporters saved $30.65-million in duties, thus signaling a major contribution by the EU to the development of the private sector in Uzbekistan. Over the period from 2019 to 2022, EU investment in the private sector in Uzbekistan has grown more than tenfold.