• KGS/USD = 0.01190 0%
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  • UZS/USD = 0.00008 0%
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  • UZS/USD = 0.00008 0%
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  • UZS/USD = 0.00008 0%
  • KGS/USD = 0.01190 0%
  • KZT/USD = 0.00211 0%
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  • KGS/USD = 0.01190 0%
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  • TJS/USD = 0.09438 0.21%
  • UZS/USD = 0.00008 0%

Viewing results 1 - 6 of 97

Saudi Islamic Development Bank Increasing Its Presence in Central Asia

The Saudi-based Islamic Development Bank (IDB) has been particularly active in Central Asia so far in 2024. The growing IDB role is part of Central Asian region’s foreign policy shift toward the Arab world as financial backers to replace Russia, which is devoting huge attention and resources to its war in Ukraine, and China, which is increasingly reluctant to spend large sums of money in Central Asia after pouring in tens of billions of dollars there during the last 25 years. Some of the Central Asian governments owe China substantial amounts of money that they are unlikely to be able to pay for possibly decades. The Central Asian states have been members of the IDB for many years. Kyrgyzstan was first, joining in 1993, followed by Turkmenistan in 1994, Kazakhstan in 1995, Tajikistan in 1996, and Uzbekistan in 2003. One of the IDB’s three regional offices is in Almaty, Kazakhstan (the other two are in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Rabat, Morocco).  The IDB has been dealing individually with the five Central Asian countries on a wide range of projects and programs in recent months. Energy Resources In February, Tajik Minister of Economic Development and Trade Zavqi Zavqizoda announced a deal was reached for the IDB to provide $250 million to Tajikistan. Zavqizoda said $150 million of that would go toward construction of the Rogun hydropower plant (HPP).  The Rogun HPP was a Soviet-era project. Construction started in 1976 but was discontinued shortly after the Soviet Union collapsed. Tajikistan restarted work on the HPP in 2008. Tajik President Emomali Rahmon has repeatedly said that building the HPP with a planned 3600 MW capacity will make the country energy independent and even allow Tajikistan to bring in extra revenue exporting electricity to neighboring countries.  In its 28 years as an IDB member, Tajikistan had received some $620 million from the IDB, so the $250 million announced in February 2024 represents a significant jump in IDB financial help. Not surprisingly, when IDB President Muhammad Al-Jasser visited Kyrgyzstan in June, Kyrgyz President Sadyr Japarov sought IDB investment in the Kambar-Ata-1 HPP, another decades-old project with a multi-billion-dollar price tag that has barely made any progress in being realized during the 33 years Kyrgyzstan has been independent. Al-Jasser did not commit to IDB financing for the Kyrgyz HPP. However, less than a week after Al-Jasser was in Kyrgyzstan, the IDB was one of several international financial organizations that signed on at a conference in Vienna to be a members of a coordination donors’ committee for the Kambar-Ata-1 projects. At a meeting in Istanbul in February, the IDB reaffirmed its support for the Central Asia-South Asia-1000 (CASA-1000) project that aims to export electricity from HPPs in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to Afghanistan and Pakistan. Kyrgyz Energy Minister Taalaybek Ibrayev met with Al-Jasser in June during the latter’s visit to Kyrgyzstan to discuss funding for Kyrgyzstan’s section of CASA-1000. Not Only Energy In June, the IDB pledged up to $2 billion in funding for improvements to water management...


ADB Allocates $100 Million for Perinatal Care in Uzbekistan

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a $100 million soft loan to help Uzbekistan improve perinatal health services for pregnant women and newborns. The Integrated Perinatal Care Project will help the government modernize nearly 230 perinatal centers nationwide, equipping them with modern energy-efficient medical equipment, updated clinical standards and protocols, and capacity and quality assurance mechanisms for health workers. The project will also improve the perinatal referral system. Strengthening emergency response teams will help identify health risks early. The project will expand access to appropriate and timely life-saving care by introducing electronic patient records for pregnancy monitoring. “ADB’s support will also help the government implement targeted awareness-raising and behavior-change interventions and training of midwives and nurses to encourage pregnant women and mothers to seek health care services,” said ADB Country Director for Uzbekistan Kanokpan Lao-Araya.


Stay or Go? Uzbek Students Ponder Studies at Home, Abroad

Like many Uzbek students, Nigina Poziljonova left Uzbekistan to study at a university abroad. She doesn’t regret her decision. “Unlike the teachers I personally saw in Uzbekistan, professors are happy when students say, ‘I don’t understand, please explain again,’” said Poziljonova, who is studying for a bachelor’s degree in business economics with data science at the University of Cassino in Italy. “If necessary, they are willing to spend two hours after class for that student. If I fail one exam, I can take it 5 times a year for 3 years for free,” said the Uzbek student, who nevertheless describes her Italian experience as “more challenging than I anticipated.” --- The perceived shortcomings of higher education have long been a preoccupation in Uzbekistan, which has a large population of young people and is the most populous country – with about 35 million citizens – in Central Asia. Authorities are trying to fix the problem. Last month, Minister of Higher Education Kongratbay Sharipov said 20 underperforming universities will be closed because only 5-10% of their graduates are employed. Uzbekistan has more than 200 universities - 114 are state-run, 65 are private and 30 are foreign university branches, according to 2023 data. Uzbekistan had the fifth largest number of “tertiary” students (students who have completed secondary school) studying abroad – 109,945 – among countries around the world that were surveyed, according to UNESCO data in 2021. Around that time, more than 570,000 students were studying in higher education institutions in Uzbekistan. As in many countries, a lot of Uzbek students believe a quality education lies abroad and their increasing command of English and openness to the world can bring that goal within reach. Additionally, Uzbekistan’s El-Yurt Umidi foundation, a state agency launched in 2018, covers tuition fees and living expenses of talented people who want to study abroad. The foundation signs a contract with scholarship holders that requires them to return to Uzbekistan and work for three years. Many students study at universities in neighboring countries such as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan, and then, after one or two years, transfer to universities in Uzbekistan. According to Kyrgyz data, some 38,857 Uzbek students studied in higher education institutions in Kyrgyzstan in 2022 and the figure reached 40,282 in 2023. Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a meeting in May at which officials discussed the 306 majors available at the bachelor’s level in Uzbekistan, and the 625 specialties at the master’s level. They acknowledged that some don’t meet international standards and labor market requirements and explored ways to revise them. Opening new courses in areas of high demand was also discussed. Another problem in Uzbek universities is an excessive focus on specializations. At one journalism university, specialists taught multiple sub-topics, including TV, international news, public relations, the internet, as well as military, travel, art, economic and sports journalism. Progress has been made. More people have access to higher education. Starting this year, state grants are given for one year, and in the remaining years of...


Eurasian Creative Week Held in Uzbekistan

From 22 to 29 June, Uzbekistan hosted the first international World Coaching Championship, as part of the 8th international festival, Eurasian Creative Week. The festival events spanned three cities: Tashkent, Khiva, and Nukus, marking an expansion in scope from previous editions. The festival program commenced in grand fashion at TEAM University in Tashkent with a charity ball hosted by Silk Road Media Ltd. Over a hundred guests from various countries attended, highlighting the festival's role in fostering international connections. The charity ball began with a warm welcome from Andrew Wachtel, Chairman of the Board of Directors of TEAM University, and continued with insights from Marat Akhmedjanov, founder of Silk Road Media Ltd. The event celebrated the festival's 20th anniversary and showcased the charitable projects of the holding. Noteworthy figures such as artist, Alinur Rashidov, and composer, Tolibkhon Shahidi were part of the guest list, demonstrating strong support for promoting creative endeavors in the Eurasian region. The festival also saw the inauguration of the World Coaching Championship, a unique competition organized by Silk Road Media in collaboration with the Elena Bezrukova Center. The championships culminated in an awards ceremony where the winners were recognized for their excellence and innovation in coaching. As the festival unfolded, attendees were immersed in cultural experiences, from poetry lessons to animated video presentations on ecology. The journey through Tashkent, Khiva, and Nukus showcased the artistic talents of the region and underscored the importance of fostering international dialogue and cooperation in the creative industries. Overall, the Eurasian Creative Week served as a testament to the power of art and collaboration in bridging cultural divides and nurturing a sense of unity among diverse communities. Through initiatives like the World Coaching Championship and the immersive exhibitions at the Savitsky Museum, participants were able to exchange ideas, showcase their talents, and celebrate the vibrant heritage of Eurasia.  


Uzbekistan: Bukhara Administration Denies Relocation of “Eternal Bukhara”

Previously, The Times of Central Asia reported in an article titled "Land Cleared for Tourism next to Old Bukhara; UNESCO Urges Pause" that the construction of "Eternal Bukhara," a tourist facility in the Bukhara region of Uzbekistan, had sparked protests from locals and UNESCO alike. Recently, rumors spread on social media claiming that the "Eternal Bukhara" project is proceeding on the city's outskirts despite public objections. However, the Bukhara city administration has now provided official information to clarify the situation. According to the regional administration, these reports are false. They assert that the construction of the cultural ethnographic park "Eternal Bukhara" is progressing systematically. Most of the old and dilapidated buildings in the area have been dismantled, and the construction site is now 90% ready. Additionally, the Bukhara regional administration have stated that previous dismantling work was completed without affecting the population or surrounding structures, whilst adhering to technical safety regulations. Nearly 70% of the work has reportedly already been completed. The administration also noted that the project documents for "Eternal Bukhara" are being finalized in collaboration with renowned historians, scientists, cultural heritage experts, and international project organizations.


Roundtable on Uzbekistan’s Reform Agenda

The 2nd Roundtable of Uzbekistan’s Country Platform was held last week in Tashkent. Backed by the European Union, the event provided a platform for discussions amongst over 80 government partners and international institutions on Uzbekistan’s reform agenda and coordinate support activities. As reported by the Delegation of the European Union to Uzbekistan, the participants agreed to continue collaboration through more than 13 sectoral working groups supporting issues prioritized by the Uzbekistan–2030 Strategy including agriculture, energy security, green growth, and the rule of law. Led by the Agency for Strategic Reforms (ASR) under the President of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Uzbekistan, and with secretarial assistance from the European Union, the Country Platform aims to foster effective coordination. Bakhodir Rakhmatov, Director of the Agency for Strategic Reforms, commented: “Constructive collaboration between development partners and government ensures achievement of the priority reform objectives identified by President Mirziyoyev aimed at creating a more prosperous and sustainable future for all. The ASR plays a pivotal role in coordinating the engagement of ministries and agencies with development partners.” Taking over the support previously provided by the World Bank in May, the European Union committed to assisting the Country Platform until the end of 2025. “The European Union is honored to co-chair and promote the Country Platform as a forum for open dialogue, cooperation and collaboration between Uzbekistan and development partners,” said Charlotte Adriaen, Ambassador of the European Union to Uzbekistan. “The common goal is to support Uzbekistan in its reform path. The Platform is an opportunity to join forces, to effectively move together bringing prosperity, sustainable development, leaving no one behind.”    
