300 Children Killed on Kyrgyzstan’s Roads

The Director of the Situation Centre of the Kyrgyz Republic, Joldoshbek Mambetaliyev, has issued a harrowing report that since 2021, more than 2,000 people including 316 children,  have been killed on roads in Kyrgyzstan.

Research by the centre cites the prime causes as  poor road surfaces, insufficient lighting, lack of road signs and parapets, alongside non-compliance with speed limits and dangerous driving.  Mambetaliyev also stressed that  lack of knowledge and non- adherence to traffic rules amongst drivers were major contributing factors given that over a third of accidents were caused by overtaking, violating crosswalk rules, driving on the wrong side of the road and driving under the influence of alcohol. More than 20 percent of accidents were caused by speeding.

The Situation Centre recommended that in order to reduce the number of road accidents, the government must collaborate with local authorities to develop a safer and more comprehensive infrastructure.

Mambetaliyev  concluded, “Road safety depends directly on the responsible behaviour of all road users… It is important to conduct awareness-raising activities among the population to reduce accidents on the roads.”

Kyrgyzstan’s Situation Centre currently monitors key events and incidents on roads throughout the country in real time, followed by  in-depth analyses.