Kazakhstan and Belgium’s Province of Walloon Brabant to Expand Cooperation

Kazakhstan and Belgium’s Province of Walloon Brabant to Expand Cooperation

On December 11th, the Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Belgium, Margulan Baimukhan made a working visit to the province of Walloon Brabant, where he met with the Governor of the region, Gilles Mahieu, Administrator of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Walloon Brabant, Christophe Lebrun, and District Commissioner of the region, Christophe Baes.

During the meeting there was a presentation about the economic and scientific-educational potential of the region. The Kazakh diplomat spoke about the current state of Kazakhstan-Belgium, Kazakhstan-European and CA-EU relations. The main emphasis was placed on projects in the field of transportation, green economy, and rare earth metals.

Ambassador Baimukhan also informed those gathered about the activities of the Kazakh-Belgian Business Council, and the upcoming business missions of Belgian companies and European agro-industrial firms to Kazakhstan in 2024.

Following the meeting, it was agreed that a detailed presentation on economic and investment opportunities in Kazakhstan for business circles in Walloon Brabant would be prepared.

Trade turnover between Kazakhstan and Belgium amounted to $514.5 million in 2022. Indicators for the period January-August 2023 amounted to $375.3 million, which is 6.7% higher than for the same period in the previous year. Gross direct investment from Belgium to Kazakhstan in 2022 amounted to $1.5 billion.