Kyrgyzstan Makes Strides in Digital Technologies

At the International PLUS-Forum ‘Digital Kyrgyzstan’ on 28th February, Akylbek Japarov, Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic, announced that Kyrgyzstan is to create a Centre for Innovative Technologies.

The centre for the advancement of developments in the field, including Artificial Intelligence and quantum computing, will be a non-governmental institution, financed through government subsidies and sponsorship.

The prime minister emphasized the government’s commitment to introducing digital technologies and by expanding state provision, provide an open digital society in Kyrgyzstan.
This year, the country is set to adopt its first-ever Digital Code.

Online registration of motor vehicles, introduced back in September 2023, now allows the sale and purchase of cars through a mobile app.
“It is now possible to create, re-register and liquidate a legal entity without leaving your home,” stated Mr Japarov, adding that online purchase and sale of real estate will be launched on March 1st.

Touching upon the development of AI in Kyrgyzstan, he referenced the government’s purchase of a supercomputer which able to recognize and synthesize speech, is already being used to broadcast news in the Kyrgyz language on state radio channels.