CHOLPON-ATA, Kyrgyzstan (TCA) — The United States through USAID is working with 20 museums across Kyrgyzstan on management in practices to boost their appeal as tourist sites. Local and international experts in museum management will lead sessions for museum and tourism professionals on building networks and strengthening productive cooperation. The first of four training sessions took place in Cholpon-Ata at Kyrgyzstan’s Lake Issyk-Kul last week, the US Embassy in Bishkek said.
Participants in the training program will learn new approaches and techniques in museum management from experienced and successful practitioners, including techniques in marketing and communications, fundraising, private partnerships, and exposition management.
The training was carefully designed to ensure participants could immediately apply and share their knowledge and skills within their organizations. Participants will develop specific products to appeal to investors from the private sector, donor agencies, and other organizations interested in promoting tourism and cultural heritage.
These efforts to enhance Kyrgyz museums are led by the Center for Museum Initiatives (CMI), a civil society organization that works to preserve national cultural heritage in the Kyrgyz Republic, in partnership with USAID’s Business Growth Initiative.
“This is a unique partnership with CMI, museums across the Kyrgyz Republic, and USAID that provides an opportunity to build on existing skills, learn about best practices from prominent international experts, and ultimately enrich tourists’ experience through the unique collection of cultural heritage in Kyrgyz museums,” said Aida Alymova, Director of the Center for Museum Initiatives.
Museums are an integral part of the tourism experience in the Kyrgyz Republic. International tourists are eager to learn more about the fascinating history and culture of the country, and museums are ideally positioned to meet that interest.
USAID’s Business Growth Initiative works to strengthen various economic sectors in the Kyrgyz Republic, including tourism, apparel manufacturing, and construction materials.