EU’s €20M Project to Diversify Internet Resources in Kazakhstan with Satellite Communications

The European Union (EU) is set to contribute to the diversification of internet resources in Kazakhstan, as announced by Johannes Baur, the Head of the Cooperation Department of the EU Representative Office in Kazakhstan. This initiative is part of the EU’s broader commitment to bolstering digital infrastructure and connectivity in Central Asia.

“In Kazakhstan, internet traffic now comes from Russia and China,” Baur said during a meeting organized by the Eurasian Foundation for Central Asia. He further explained the EU’s proposition: “Our project wants to offer Kazakhstan the opportunity to use European satellite communications, a product of the European company, SES. For example, while Starlink satellites orbit the Earth in a low orbit, SES satellites orbit in a medium orbit. Satellites in medium orbit can cover the whole of Kazakhstan, which is an advantage. We can even cover the whole of Central Asia.”

This ambitious project has received approval from the European Commission and is set to be showcased at the Central Asia – European Union summit scheduled for 2024. Baur disclosed the initial funding earmarked for the project, stating, “First of all, the European Union will allocate 20 million euros, but this is the amount allocated to the whole of Central Asia. I think most of these funds will be directed to Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. The specific details are still unknown, but it will be a large loan from the European Investment Bank.”

This initiative aligns with the EU’s ongoing efforts to diversify its supply chains and strengthen its relations with strategic partners like Kazakhstan. Moreover, it is expected to contribute significantly to the development of a secure and sustainable supply of digital resources across Central Asia.