Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Economy Proposes Canceling 21% of Taxes

The Ministry of National Economy of Kazakhstan has proposed reducing the number of taxes paid in the republic by 21%. The proposal focuses on three taxes: that imposed on the use of specially protected environmental zones, the tax on outdoor (visual) advertising, and the tax on the issuance of licenses to engage in certain types of professional activities. The ministry noted that these taxes bring about 14.4 billion tenge ($32 million) into the federal budget each year.

In addition to the abolition of these taxes, the ministry also proposed combining three payments into one – those for the use of water resources drawn from surface sources, for the use of forests, and for the use of wildlife. Instead of separate levies, the ministry put forth a single tax on the use of natural resources.

If these initiatives are approved, 77 different tax rates will be abolished – which is 21% of the total number of taxes in Kazakhstan.

The ministry has also proposed the abolition of eight levies which bring in about 1.1 billion tenge ($2.5 million) to the budget annually and is seeking to cancel six state duties, which contribute about 299 million tenge ($666,000). These measures will result in the reduction of 89 different fee rates and 53 state duties, respectively.