Uzbekistan to Raise Energy Prices for First Time in Five Years

Electricity and natural gas tariffs in Uzbekistan will increase from May 1, and social consumption quotas will also be established. The price increase will be the first since August 2019.

The quota for electricity use was defined up to 200 kWh per month, for gas — from March to October — up to 100 cubic meters, and from November to February, up to 500 cubic meters.

The authorities attribute the price increase to inflation, which has cumulatively reached 66% over the past five years. At the same time, most energy companies are suffering severe losses, with state company JSC Thermal Power Plants reporting losses of 1.6 trillion sum ($125 million).

The Uzbek government has announced assistance to the vulnerable in the form of raising the official poverty line, pensions and allowances. “About $80 million has been allocated from the state budget to support low-income families. These funds have clear sources and will be allocated in a timely manner and without any delays,” Economy and Finance Ministry spokesman Khurshed Mustafayev said.