EDB and Kazakhstan Join Efforts for Water Investment

EDB and Kazakhstan Join Efforts for Water Investment

The Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) has signed a memorandum of cooperation with Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation (MWRI). Ruslan Dalenov, Vice Chairman of the EDB Management Board, and Bekniyaz Bolat, MWRI First Deputy Minister, formalized this partnership during a ceremony in Astana on December 13th.

The memorandum aims to establish long-term, mutually beneficial collaboration focused on mobilizing investment and grants for joint water and irrigation projects.

“We are committed to jointly developing sustainable infrastructure solutions that will support important water-related projects and contribute to overall economic growth,” said Dalenov.

The parties intend to actively cooperate in financing investment projects and exchange expertise through participation in workshops, conferences, and other events.

The EDB is currently implementing the Central Asian Water and Energy Complex mega-project based on research and projections on the most effective ways to comprehensively develop the sector. Bank analysts have conducted studies such as Investment in the Water and Energy Complex of Central Asia, Regulation of the Water and Energy Complex of Central Asia, and Efficient Irrigation and Water Conservation in Central Asia. The latter outlines ten practical steps for preserving irrigated land potential and promoting water conservation, including four recommendations for adoption at a regional level and six at a national level. These measures are designed to conserve enough water annually to support sustainable development.

The EDB has also identified projects to cater to the region’s electricity and water needs. The Bank is financing the construction of the 100 MW Kulanak HPP in the Kyrgyz Republic. Additionally, the Bank is evaluating several projects aimed at enhancing the region’s water and energy infrastructure.