First NPP Reactor in Uzbekistan May Start Before 2033 reports that the first reactor of the Small Nuclear Power Plant is planned to be operational in five years. The project will be built near Tuzkon Lake, Farish District, Jizzakh Region. The cost has yet to be disclosed.

“The cost of the low-power nuclear power plant construction project based on six RITM-200N reactor units with an installed capacity of 330 MW is confidential information and will not be disclosed,” Uzatom told

The small nuclear power plant’s first reactor will be commissioned 60 months after the completion of priority works, which should begin this summer. Each subsequent reactor will be commissioned within six months. The full commissioning will occur before 2033.

“During the construction of a low-power nuclear power plant, local general industrial equipment, products, and components are used by the specifications specified in the project documents. Considering the long service life of the small nuclear power plant, it is necessary to use local raw materials,” Uzatom stated.

The Times of Central Asia previously reported that the contract for the construction of the NPP was concluded on May 27th, during Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Tashkent, between the Directorate for NPP Construction under the Atomic Energy Agency and the Atomstroyexport joint stock company (Rosatom’s engineering department).