Dushanbe Conference to Discuss New Mass Media Law

On May 14, Dushanbe will host a conference entitled “Favorable Media Environment – an Important Factor of Legal Education in Society.” The meeting is being organized by the Tajik Parliament and the nonprofit organization, Homa, with the support of the European Union (EU).

The purpose of the discussion is to review the draft law “On Mass Media” with participation from a wide range of representatives of government agencies, international, multilateral, nonprofit, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the media. According to representatives of civic organizations, the rapid development of technology and international norms oblige the government to adapt legislation to international standards and modern best practices.

In March 2023, a working group was established to draft a law on the mass media. It included representatives of government agencies and civil society, who together studied the experience of various countries in the region and analyzed legislative acts regulating media activities.

In Tajikistan, the activities of the media are regulated mainly by two laws: the law “On Periodical Press and Other Mass Media” and the law “On Television and Radio Broadcasting.” Following crackdowns, only two significant independent media voices remain in Tajikistan; the privately owned Asia-Plus, and the U.S. Congress-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty’s local service, both of which have long been subjected to partial shutdowns.