Turkmenistan President’s Visit Causes Havoc in Dashoguz


According to reports published by Turkmen.news, traffic was restricted in the Dashoguz region from June 2nd due to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov’s arrival to open new power plants. The head of state came to the region on June 5th, but residents endured inconvenience for three days due to safety precautions. The restrictions also affected pedestrians. On the eve of the president’s visit, houses were painted, and extra police officers were placed on duty.

As stated in the report, “From June 2nd, access to Tashkhovuz from distant districts was closed. On June 3rd, the ban also affected the residents of the areas directly adjacent to the city. No one was allowed into the regional center: it doesn’t matter if a person works there, studies, or needs treatment.” Also, residents’ cars in the regional center were only allowed on the road if they were painted white and were manufactured after 2015.

Pedestrians were forbidden to walk freely; on June 3rd, police officers from all etraps (territorial units) were called onto duty in Dashoguz and placed at posts on central roads every hundred meters. This lasted from 6 am until 10 pm.

All houses facing the main road, where the presidential motorcade passed, were hastily painted white or covered with whitewash. The work was carried out very carelessly, with no one protecting windows and doors from paint, and traces of paint were left smeared on the ground.