Kazakhstan offers to host platform for Russia-Ukraine negotiations

Kazakhstan is prepared to host negotiations to settle the war in Ukraine, according to comments made by Kazakhstan’s ambassador to Russia, Dauren Abayev, in an interview with the Russian state news outlet TASS.

“Certainly, Kazakhstan is always ready to help on all processes that concern the world. This is not only Russia and Ukraine, but also Armenia and Azerbaijan, on the Syrian issue, on the Iranian issue. It is probably [an overstatement] to say to be mediators, but to provide a platform, to create some conditions, we are certainly ready,” Abayev said.

He added: “There are many different initiatives now, and there is a clear understanding that without Russia’s participation, these processes are impossible. Of course, Russia’s opinion should always be taken into account in these processes. Of course, we are ready to be, as I say, not mediators, but to provide a platform, to create some conditions,” he added.

As previously reported in the media, Kazakhstan’s president Kasym-Jomart Tokayev, during his recent visits to Azerbaijan and Armenia, underscored Kazakhstan’s readiness to provide platforms for negotiations between Baku and Yerevan. The Armenian foreign ministry said that a direct meeting of the sides will be held as early as May 10.

Previously, Kazakhstan provided a platform for negotiations on the war in Syria. Negotiations concerning the Iranian nuclear program have also been held in Kazakhstan.


Times of Central Asia