Kyrgyzstan President Announces New Social Welfare Measures

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In his address at the National Congress on Social Mobilization on 22 May, Kyrgyzstan President Sadyr Japarov announced several initiatives aimed at raising the standard of living of the country’s citizens.

The event was attended by participants of a nationwide Social Contract program through which the Ministry of Labor, Social Security and Migration provides grants of 100 thousand soms/ $1,130, to low-income families wishing to open small businesses.

Launched three years ago, the program has enabled some 13,000 people to develop their businesses, created jobs, and generally enhanced the livelihoods of families and local communities. Highly effective, the initiative has to date, benefited over 70,000 people across the country.

In addition to a government allocation of 2 billion soms to maintain the program, the president announced plans to boost the economy and improve the wellbeing of Kyrgyzstan citizens, by establishing new enterprises, industrial facilities and in turn, more jobs.

President Japarov stated that the Cabinet of Ministers and local authorities had been tasked to support entrepreneurs at all levels from small workshops, fruit processing plants and retail outlets to tourist bed and breakfast services and cafes.

To ease the financial burden on small and medium-sized businesses, the president announced a reduction in social tax from 27 percent to 12 percent.

In addition, the president has introduced a strict moratorium on inspections of businesses to further support entrepreneurs.

Referencing amendments to the Constitution made in 2021 which guaranteed that pensions would not fall below the minimum living wage, the head of state announced that from 1 October, 2024, pensions in Kyrgyzstan will exceed the minimum living wage of 6,800 soms/ $77.

The president confirmed the government’s commitment to its provision affordable housing and reported that the construction of multi-storey buildings through the State Mortgage Company has enabled public sector employees and private individuals alike, to obtain mortgages on apartments. He continued by stating that 11,495 apartments are currently being built across the country and the construction of 12,000 apartments will begin before the end of this year.

In the healthcare sector, the president has instructed that from 1 July, the number of doctors participating in the program to locate medics in remote areas, small towns, and villages, is to increase from 200 to 500.

Regarding the shortage of doctors in the regions, the president has approved the introduction of an additional monthly payment of 20,000 soms/ $226 to paediatricians, neonatologists, surgeons, anaesthesiologists, and resuscitation doctors working outside Bishkek

Times of Central Asia

Times of Central Asia

Laura Hamilton MA, is the former Director of the Collins Gallery at the University of Strathclyde. She first visited Kyrgyzstan in 2011 to research and curate a major exhibition of contemporary textiles and fashion. Since 2012, she has worked as an editor on over thirty translations of Central Asian novels and collections of short stories. In more recent years, her work has focused on editing translations of Kyrgyzstan's great epics -'Ak Moor', Saiykal', Janysh Baiysh', 'Oljobai and Kishimjan', 'Dariyka', 'Semetey' and 'Er Toshtuk' for The Institute of Kyrgyz Language and Literature, and the Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University.

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