Ruins of a Sixth-Century Castle Discovered in Tajikistan

Archaeologists have found the ruins of an ancient castle in the Tajik city of Penjikent, the National Museum of Tajikistan has reported on its social networks. The ruins were found by an archeology specialist from the museum, Muhsin Bobomulloyev.

The castle likely consisted of two floors, the first made from wood, the second constructed from raw bricks.

“The historical period corresponds to the VI-VIII centuries, the castle was destroyed and burned because of the invasion of foreigners. Ashes and traces of soot on the walls of the memorial corridor are proof of this,” the museum says.

Also, small objects – copper and silver coins, rings, and ornaments — have been uncovered. The museum plans to add the castle to the register of historical and cultural monuments in Tajikistan.

“The work does not end there: in July-August of this year, Tajik archaeologists will conduct additional research on the monument together with specialists of the State Hermitage of Russia,” the museum adds.


Times of Central Asia

Askar Alimzhanov graduated from the journalism department of the Kazakh State University named after S. Kirov, then worked as a correspondent for the daily republican newspaper Leninskaya Smen. He then moved to the United States to be a reporter for the daily newspaper "Cape Cod Times" in Hayanis, Massachusetts, (USA) under the journalist exchange program between the Union of Journalists of the USSR and the New England Society of News Editors. Since then, he has helped build transparency and understanding of Central Asia region in various executive level positions at esteemed media organizations including "Akbar"(Alma-Ata) international center for journalism, the Khabar News agency, the Television and Radio Corporation "Kazakhstan" JSC, and MIR- Kazakhstan.

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