Sixth Eurasia Creative Guild Film Festival to be Held in the U.K.

ECG Film Festival, image: ECG

From May 24-28, Premier Cinemas Romford will host the Eurasia Creative Guild (ECG) Film Festival, in collaboration with the Romford Film Festival for the sixth consecutive year, featuring a diverse line-up of films from across the globe.

Founded by the ECG to foster deeper cultural ties and understanding, the festival will feature 100 submissions from 22 countries, with movies from Spain, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, the U.K., Iran, Uzbekistan, Russia, Cyprus, Kyrgyzstan, Jordan, Tajikistan, Armenia, and China. In addition to the competition, there will be a program of educational films.

The opening ceremony will feature an exhibition of original work by Central Asian artists, headlined by Rahima Makhmut from Kyrgyzstan, and a presentation by Gulsifat Shakhidi, a renowned writer from Tajikistan, of her latest book.

On May 28, the ECG will present awards for the Best Eurasian Film, Best Short Film, Best Documentary, and Best Screenplay.

Times of Central Asia

Times of Central Asia

 Stephen M. Bland is a journalist, author, editor, commentator and researcher specialising in Central Asia and the Caucasus. Prior to joining The Times of Central Asia, he has worked for NGOs, think tanks, as the Central Asia expert on a forthcoming documentary series, for the BBC, The Diplomat, EurasiaNet, and numerous other publications.
Published in 2016, his book on Central Asia was the winner of the Golden Laureate of Eurasian Literature. He is currently putting the finishing touches to a book about the Caucasus.

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